Friday 2 December 2011

Advertising 1: This image will have a person pointing to an advertising billboard with themselves on it, advertising a new brand of coke.

First Image:

Second Image:

Third Image:
Fourth Image:


New Media 3: This image will have a lot of phones and on each one of the phone's screen there will be a different part of the face on it.

First Image:
Second Image:

Third Image:

Fourth Image:

Fifth Image:

New Media 2: This image will have a x ray for a person's chest and they will be standing on a website

First Image:

Second Image:
Third Image:

New Media 1: This image will have person playing a football game which they are in on a TV.

First Image:

Second Image:

Third Image:

Fouth Image:

Print 3: This image will have a person eating cooking magazines with a fork.

First Image:

Second Image:

Third Image:

Print 2: This image will have a person made of newspapers with just their head being normal.

First Image:
Second Image:

Third Image:
fourth Image:
Fifth Image:
 sixth Image:

Seventh Image:


Print 1: This image will have a person reading a magazine with an article about themselves in it.

First Image:
Second Image:

Cinema 3: This image will have popcorn made of people with the box of popcorn spilt by the cinema screen.

First Image:
Second Image:

Third Image:
Fourth Image:
Fifth Image:

Cinema 2: This image will have people watching themselves on the cinema screen.

First Image:
Second Image:

Third Image:

Fourth Image:


Cinema 1: A persons eyes with a cinema screen and curtains in the middle of them.

First Image:

Second Image:

Third Image:
Fourth Image:


Radio 3: This image will have a radio with an antenna made of ears. Whilst someone is listening to the actual radio.

First Image:

Image I have taken myself: