Monday 23 April 2012


Unit 9: Exploring Photography and Digital Imaging

Media and Their Audiences

My final images for this unit illustrate the brief pretty well. My images related to the brief because I used images from Google and took digital images myself using a digital camera. All of the images also related to the brief because each image was media related and illustrated the relationships between the media industries and their audience.

Out of all my images I think the strongest were, Radio 2, Cinema 2 and Print 1. I think Radio 2 was one of my strongest because it is well edited and a really good idea to do with radio. Cinema 2 was another one of my stronger images because it was again well edited and another really good idea. Print 1 was also a very strong image, I had to get a good photo to use on this final image and I did so this image went really well. I also think the cinema image I used was a really good image to use for the type of shots I was aiming for. I also thought my photography skills were great to get the images I needed for the final image. I think all of the images were very creative but some of the technical skills I used could of been better for example better photography and my editing could be much improved next time around.

I think my weakest image was Advertising 2. I thinking my editing skills with both the images was not great the cropping around the images I cut out could of been more detailed and with the Google image I think I stretched it too much.  New media 1 was also another one of my weaker images I think the Google image I used was too big and too pixelated I couldn’t get my image I had taken myself to fit the size of the room without it being pixelated. Another one of the weaker images was print 3. The image I had taken myself was good but the magazines and the bowl I used from Google were too small.

The way I went about editing my images was first getting all of the images from Google and then taking the photos I needed with a digital camera. I then cropped all of the images from Google and from the images I had taken myself using Adobe Photoshop. When all the images I had were cropped, I then started putting them together to create my final images. An example of my editing was advertising 1. I cut the person I used out from both the images I had taken myself using the Polygonic tool and then cropped out the coca cola billboard from the Google Image to put onto the blank billboard I also got from Google. I then added the images I had taken myself into the final image and put them into place. Throughout editing these images I used various tools such the polygonic tool, crop tool, lasso tool and the magic wand tool.

I think all of my images were suitable in terms of technical quality; none of my images were pixelated when printed and none of them were dark so there were no lighting problems. The resolution on all of the images was clear and worked well with the print outs.

The feedback I got from the audience was very positive. The audience told me that the editing of my images was the best thing I had done throughout the whole process of creating the images. I got the odd negative comment about my images mainly saying they would have changed the idea of the image. With all the feedback I got All in all my images got good feedback which I was happy about in the end.

People and Their Heroes

My final images illustrate the brief very well. In the brief I was told to create six images using an image of a person I knew and picture of their hero. I took all the images I needed and used images of their heroes from Google. I created all six of the images, so I thought in terms of what the brief said I stuck to it very well.

For the photographs I needed to take I got a digital camera and took several shots of each person I needed to complete the task. I used different camera angles such as long shots and medium shots to find the perfect shot to fit in with the Google image of their hero.

To create the final images I used Adobe Photoshop. I first opened the images I had taken myself in Photoshop and edited the people out from the actual image using the polygonic tool. I then added these images to the image of their heroes and edited them by moving the around a bit to make it look like a real photo of the two by using a polygonic tool. I then added all the final images to my blog online.

I think the quality of my final images was very good and worked very well with print out versions of my final images. The lighting of all of my images was very good and the resolution was also very good. All in all my images worked well with being printed out.

The audience really liked the final images I had created using Photoshop and I got good feedback on all of my images. The audience thought all the ideas for the images were very creative and all the images were edited really well. I was very pleased with all the positive feedback I got for these six images and the very small amount of negativity I got back and they were mostly comments about the editing and how it could be improved. With this feedback it showed me I had done really well with this task which showed me my hard work paid off.

Story Illustration

My final images illustrate the brief I was given very well. In the brief I was told to read the story ‘Mr Lovedays Little Outing’ and create four images to fit in with a small book with the story inside. I created the four images and put them into the book which illustrated the brief because this is what the brief told me to do.

The first image I chose to create was the gates of the asylum. I chose this because the image was really easy for me to take and I thought it would be a good front cover to have for the book. I also thought it would look even better when I converted it to greyscale. The second image I chose was the orangery image; I chose this because the image was once again easy to take and the image would have looked really good and fitted in with the story really easily. The third image I chose was the image of a suitcase. I chose this image because it fitted in with the story and the image would a establish a really important part of the story. I chose the fourth image of the library because it was also an establishing shot within the story and was really easy to take.

I created the final images by using Adobe Photoshop. I first added the images to a separate Photoshop file and then edited the images using the polygonic tool until it was perfect. I used the greyscale tool on all of my images to contrast with the story. I then added the images alongside the story using the programme, Quark Xpress.

I think the end quality of my images was really good. None of the images were stretched or pixelated when printed out. The lighting on the images was quite dark, though so the clarity of the images wasn’t as good as the other briefs. The print quality of my images was fine; they all looked really good when printed out with the booklet. All in all the images were really good quality and all turned out the way I hoped they would.

I think my main weakness through the unit was at first using Photoshop. I had very little experience with it before so it took me while to get used to. My other weakness was finding people to take the images of. I could not find many people who wanted to do it at first but in the end I found enough to create all my images with.  I think my biggest strength was using the digital camera. I had a lot of experience with cameras before the unit so when it came to taking the images there were no problems trying to work the camera. Another strength was coming up with the ideas for the images; I came up with a lot of really good ideas which helped me work faster when it came to mapping out the images we were going to take. 

Throughout this unit I have learnt a lot of new skills I didn’t have at first. I learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop which will help me with future work.. I also learnt how to upload images to a blog which might come in handy in the future seen as I had never used a blog before this unit.

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